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Sunday, January 25, 2015

  Hey Everyone,

         Hope all is well with anyone and everyone!   Busy, busy, busy....Which might I add is a good thing!  All is well with the family and I can honestly say I love my clients.  I have had the pleasure of working in some of the most beautiful homes in my area and I promise pictures will soon follow.  Working with clients as a new designer can sometimes be challenging.  You have to work especially hard to earn their trust and since you do not have a reputation to lean on you often have to compromise your aesthetic.  Many of the final results are probably not 100% my design - but I try my best to make sure that my client is happy and comfortable with the end result.  I will be doing a disservice to them if I create a space that they are not comfortable living in - regardless of how I would have liked to see it.  We as designers are a fearless lot and enjoy going the max every time.  It's the nature of what we do and why we do it.

         I recently took a beginners Interior Photography class at 200 Lexington Avenue which a fellow designer located on Editor at Large.  It was a two day overview of how your camera operates and how you can obtain a beautiful interior shot of your work.  ISO, F-Stop, Shutter Speed.... Whatever happened to point and go? Walla! a beautiful picture!  I long for the days when my flash bulb rotated with every shot or all I had to do was blow on the Polaroid every time I took a picture.  Well no sense longing for the past, the future is here and I had better get on board.  To be completely honest, I enjoy complaining, its fun to reminisce  and  - truth be told, I love learning new things and always had an interest in photography.  Great class, I highly recommend it. Here is some info on our wonderful instructor Emily Gilbert.

Emily Gilbert Photography
tel: 917-816-0690