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Thursday, August 6, 2015

Mecox Gardens

Hey Everyone,

Just made a stop into Mecox Gardens a couple of weeks ago, such a great place to find different one of a kind items.  Today I am focused on their Vintage Blue and White Ceramics - tried and true pieces that you will never tire of.  These vases are spectacular with the foo dogs running around the collar and the bowl already looks like its sitting on my foyer console with my car keys inside.  Regardless of what your design aesthetic is these will complement it.



Crate And Barrel

Hey Everyone,

Found this little rattan stool - thought you might want to take a look for yourselves.

The chevron weave is different and the price point is great!

Friday, July 31, 2015

Red Delicious

Hey Everyone,

Hope all is well with anyone who takes the time to read my blog.  It has been a while and I apologize once again for that. 

So... I am in the middle of a large redesign and it got me to thinking of all of the influences that guide my likes and dislikes.  Obviously my time working for Meg Braff has been a huge influence on me, some of my designs styles I had developed way before ever hearing her name - which is what drew me to her.  I think the depth of exposure has been the largest benefit, she is amazing.  Along the way I have developed my style, which is a compilation of Meg, Miles Redd, Jamie Drake, Brian McCarthy and countless others.  I see myself in so many designs that I cannot tell if I thought of it or saw it and stored it in my head.  They are of course the masters.  I know you all know what I mean! LOL!!!


Red is as bold a color as any, and I love it!  I love all versions of it, coral, pink, burgundy.....
Here are some of the design elements that are tried and true and will be relevant today, tomorrow, and for many tomorrows to come.

 Worlds Away - Helen Gred Console

Meg Braff Designs - Roxy - Red on White
Used this in my powder room in apple green
 - everyone comes out smiling - they love it!

 Meg Braff Designs - Brighton Your Pavilion - Sage on Persimmon

 Hwang Bishop - KOI Lamp -
 I always push these lamps because for the $ they are so worth it!!!
Hwang Bishop - Empress
 I had to include this one as well, just beautiful.

 Brunschwig & Fils - Bamboo Trellis - Red  (Once saw a complete set of draperies in this fabric and it was a show stopper)

 Quadrille - Les Indiennes Multi Colors - Red/Blue/Olive/Green
This fabric has been haunting me for years, you cannot find it in stock and can only be ordered in 5yds and more :-/

Here's a little Redd on red! Fabulous!!!

Mary McDonald shining bright!!!

Sunday, January 25, 2015

  Hey Everyone,

         Hope all is well with anyone and everyone!   Busy, busy, busy....Which might I add is a good thing!  All is well with the family and I can honestly say I love my clients.  I have had the pleasure of working in some of the most beautiful homes in my area and I promise pictures will soon follow.  Working with clients as a new designer can sometimes be challenging.  You have to work especially hard to earn their trust and since you do not have a reputation to lean on you often have to compromise your aesthetic.  Many of the final results are probably not 100% my design - but I try my best to make sure that my client is happy and comfortable with the end result.  I will be doing a disservice to them if I create a space that they are not comfortable living in - regardless of how I would have liked to see it.  We as designers are a fearless lot and enjoy going the max every time.  It's the nature of what we do and why we do it.

         I recently took a beginners Interior Photography class at 200 Lexington Avenue which a fellow designer located on Editor at Large.  It was a two day overview of how your camera operates and how you can obtain a beautiful interior shot of your work.  ISO, F-Stop, Shutter Speed.... Whatever happened to point and go? Walla! a beautiful picture!  I long for the days when my flash bulb rotated with every shot or all I had to do was blow on the Polaroid every time I took a picture.  Well no sense longing for the past, the future is here and I had better get on board.  To be completely honest, I enjoy complaining, its fun to reminisce  and  - truth be told, I love learning new things and always had an interest in photography.  Great class, I highly recommend it. Here is some info on our wonderful instructor Emily Gilbert.

Emily Gilbert Photography
tel: 917-816-0690